Tuesday, July 23, 2019

About Us

"Travel is fatal for prejudice" - ~ Mark Twain
One of our passions is to travel. Growing up in India, we had traveled locally and when we moved to North America, we started visiting places there as well. We are history buffs and like to also explore the history of the place. We also like to explore the local cuisine and culture while we are there. Personally, it teaches us a lot and shows us how far we have come from the past. You also find a lot of common things with your own culture. That is fascinating for us!

We also like to go to a lot of lesser known places. These places typically have lesser crowd and are most of the times better than the tourist attractions. With this blog, we would also be featuring some of those places.

WHAT WE ARE NOT - We are not travel agents. :)  We can suggest places but you have to book your own trip.


About Us

"Travel is fatal for prejudice" - ~ Mark Twain One of our passions is to travel. Growing up in India, we had traveled locally an...